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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

 New GEI Global Webinar:  
7 Mistakes Job Seekers Make Online
March 25 at 10 a.m. EST

Joshua Waldman, author of Job Searching with Social Media for Dummies, will show you how to build your personal brand and leverage your social media presence to advance your career. Did you know over 80% of hiring managers use social media to find talent? They are using LinkedIn, Google and other networks not just to find new employees, they are also checking you out. Are you confident about what they’ll find? In this session, you will learn surprising trends in today’s hiring as well as how to:
  • Discover your personal brand
  • Set up your LinkedIn and other profiles to attract jobs
  • Use LinkedIn to proactively set up interviews
  • Position yourself as a “job magnet”...and it’s not what you think!
  • Be found FASTER by recruiters and hiring managers.  

When:  March 25 at 10 a.m. EST
RSVP:  GEI@state.gov
How:  Participate by logging in as a "guest" at http://deptofstatehr.adobeconnect.com/hrflo/ 

Note:  Participants will need a computer with a high-speed Internet connection and speakers. Only the presenter will be able to speak; however, the chat function will allow you to post questions anytime during the presentation.

Keep an eye out for future GEI Global Webinars! 

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