Welcome to our unaccompanied tours (UT) blog, Foggy Bottom Rambles! We can share information, programs, and resources quickly with you and since blogs are a two way street, we (and the other readers) can hear from you. What's in a name you say? This blog reflects how we (back here in DC, Foggy Bottom area) provide information (rambles) to you. Find websites and information, upcoming webinars, programs and events. FLO does not endorse organizations or companies linked-to in this blog, the views they express, or the products/services they offer. Let us know what you think: contribute to the blog or email us at FLOAskUT@state.gov.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Don’t Forget to Join the FLO Telework Connection LinkedIn Group

The FLO Telework Connection LinkedIn group is a first step in a pilot project to connect talented family members with potential employers.

We currently have 175 members and are starting to invite employers to join and begin posting opportunities. Don’t forget to join this new group to make sure that interested employers see what you have to offer.

For more information, email FLOAskEmployment@state.gov.

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