FLO Global Webinar on August 16: Building Stress Resilience for Kids

Join the Family Liaison Office (FLO) and the Bureau of Medical Services (MED) Child and Family Program for the webinar, Building Stress Resilience for Kids. Get tips on building your child’s resilience in the face of stress, ask questions, and learn more about MED’s role in supporting families overseas. Also learn about the nature of stress, how it affects children, and healthy ways to manage stress.
When: August 16, 2017 at
10:00am ET
Participate: Go to deptofstatehr.adobeconnect.com/resilience.
Enter as a guest and type your first name (for privacy reasons do not
include your last name) and your current or future post.
Workbook: Request a copy of the e-workbook in advance; we
will refer to it throughout the session. Email FLOAskUT@state.gov.