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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Children's Resources

Resources for Transitioning Back to the U.S. with Children

FLO’s publication Bouncing Back: Transition and Re-entry Planning for the Parents of Foreign Service Youth provides parents with guidance on how to help their child transition to the U.S. The publication includes research and resources from professionals in the field of youth mobility and was written by adults and children who experienced the Foreign Service lifestyle firsthand. For more information on transitions and the Foreign Service child, visit FLO’s website.

Parents may be interested in signing up their children for the     Youth Security Overseas Seminar held throughout the summer by the Transition Center at the Foreign Service Institute (FSI). The Transition Center also offers courses for adults, including Encouraging Resiliency in the Foreign Service Child and           Raising Bilingual Children. For questions about education and youth resources, email FLOAskEducation@state.gov.

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