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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

MHN Member Pulse Updates

Raising Healthy and Happy Children

Every parent wants to raise a healthy, happy child. But knowing how to do so can be challenging. Being a parent means making many decisions on a daily basis that impact your child. At some point, you've probably wondered, "Am I doing this right?"
This month's Member Pulse digest includes tips for raising healthy, happy kids to make your journey as a parent a little easier. Just click on the titles below to go directly to the articles.

·  Maternity leave: Tips for returning to work
Are you anxious about going back to work after maternity leave? These tips can help you stay connected to your baby and make your return to work easier.
·  Child development: Know what's ahead
While every child grows at his or her own pace, child development follows a fairly expected path. Learn what milestones to look for from ages two to five.
·  Bullying: Help your child handle a bully
The effects of childhood bullying are serious and can last into adulthood. Learn about the types of bullying, warning signs, the effects, and what to do if you think your child is being bullied.
·  Teenage depression: Prevention begins with parental support
Teenage depression can lead to long-lasting physical and emotional challenges. Learn what you can do to prevent teenage depression.
Don't forget to save MHN Member Pulse to your list of favorite websites! Also, check out MHN's member website for all sorts of valuable tools and content just for EAP members.

To access MHN's member website, you will need your company code. You can obtain this by contacting MHN at (800) 646-9923 or membersupport@mhn.com.
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