Spring Ahead, Fall Back!
It’s that time of year…. already. Sunday, March 11 2012 at 2 A.M. you need to move your clocks ahead one hour. Spring, on the other hand will not arrive until March 20th.
Daylight Saving Time was first instituted to save energy for war production during World War I. When it was first instituted it occurred between April and October. After World War I states and communities could choose to continue to observe it or not. During World War II the federal government once again required the states observe the time change. In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act standardizing the Daylight Saving Time. In 2007 the Energy Policy Act of 2005 was put into place, causing Daylight Saving Time to be four weeks longer. The policy was supposed to save 10,000 barrels of oil each day through reduced power by businesses in the daylight hours. The reality is it is very hard to determine energy savings and some theorize we don’t save anything at all and we might even use more energy.
You might be surprised to learn Arizona (except for some Indian Reservations) Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands and the American Samoa do not observe Daylight Savings Time.
Me I don’t like the change. Why? Because now for another month it will be dark when I walk the dogs and the added light at night doesn’t really help me accomplish anything.
What are your thoughts? Do you like Daylight Savings? Do you think it saves energy?
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