The Expanded Professional Associates Program (EPAP) provides eligible spouses with employment opportunities in key positions at missions abroad. EPAP is distinguished from other family member employment opportunities in that it has portfolios similar to Foreign Service entry-level positions. Additionally, EPAP positions are centrally funded by the Department of State and are administered by the appropriate Washington regional or functional bureau.

The regional bureaus have been authorized a total of 400 EPAP positions, and the Bureau of Information Resource Management (IRM) has been authorized 50. In addition to these 450 positions, individual posts have the option of creating post-funded ICASS positions with prior approval from their bureau. EPAP positions include the following specialties: Construction Engineer, Economics, Facilities Management, Financial Management, General Services, Human Resources, Information Management, Medical, Management, Office Management, Political, and Public Diplomacy.
For more information and eligibility requirements, please click here: