Welcome to our unaccompanied tours (UT) blog, Foggy Bottom Rambles! We can share information, programs, and resources quickly with you and since blogs are a two way street, we (and the other readers) can hear from you. What's in a name you say? This blog reflects how we (back here in DC, Foggy Bottom area) provide information (rambles) to you. Find websites and information, upcoming webinars, programs and events. FLO does not endorse organizations or companies linked-to in this blog, the views they express, or the products/services they offer. Let us know what you think: contribute to the blog or email us at FLOAskUT@state.gov.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

If you are in the Washington DC area....

Don’t miss these July Family Member Employment events in DC
WHAT:                 Meet-Up with International Employers
WHO:                   For Foreign Service family members posted overseas, or headed overseas, 
WHAT:                 A chance to meet with multinational and NGO employers who hire overseas,            (MQ704) to get ready for the meeting (resumes, interview skills, etc.).
WHEN:                July 10 - MQ704 Employment Tools for Foreign Service Life
                            July 12 - Meet-Up with International Employers from 1-4pm
WHERE:               Both events will be held at FSI.
HOW:                  Registration for MQ704 is open now. Please follow registration instructions at http://www.state.gov/m/fsi/tc/fslstraining/c48159.htm.

Registration for the Meet-Up event now open. To RSVP please send your name, best summer contact email, sponsoring employee name and agency to FLOAskEmployment@state.gov with MEET UP EVENT

June Courses at FSI’s Transition Center:

06/01: Transition to Washington, DC for Foreign-Born Spouses (MQ302) 
(Saturday Course) 06/03 – 06/04; 06/17 – 06/18, and 06/24 – 06/25:

Security Overseas Seminar (MQ911) 06/10:

Communicating Across Cultures (MQ802) 
(Saturday Course) 06/13 – 06/14:

Study Abroad Administrators SOS (MQ918) 06/13 – 06/14:

Regulations, Allowances, and Finances in the Foreign Service Context (MQ104) 06/19: 
Protocol and U.S. Representation Abroad** (MQ116) 
(Saturday Course) 06/24 – 06/25:

Young Diplomats Overseas Preparation (MQ250) 06/27: 

Basics for Overseas Employment (MQ703)

If you are experiencing an unaccompanied tour don't miss this course: 
Maintaining Long Distance Relationships (MQ801) (Evening Course) 06/22:

For further information, email the FSI Transition Center at FSITCTraining@state.gov or visit the FSI Transition Center website at www.state.gov/m/fsi/tc/fslstraining/searchbymonth/index.htm.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Save the date!

Foreign Service Youth Foundation presents college info

Date:  Saturday, May 18, 2013
Time:  9 am - 10 am (eastern standard time)

Can't attend the live event?  E-mail your questions in advance to fsyf@fsyf.org and we will ask the question for you!  FSYF Members will be able to view the archived webinar - we'll have a link to it on our website.  

FSYF Members:  $10.00                                          
Non-Members:  $20.00

To check on your membership status, contact:  fsyf@fsyf.org
To join, click here:  Join FSYF
To register for the Webinar:  Register

Topics Will Include:  
  • Applying from Overseas:  are you an International student?
  • Your Essay:  what should you write about?
  • State Residency :  what you need to know.
  • Third Culture Kids (TCKs): what's unique about this population?
  • College Selectivity:  the truth behind this year's trend in college admissions
  • SATs and ACTs:  What role does testing really play?
  • Financial Aid:  How it really works.
  • Real Cost of College:  How to calculate.
  • Social Media and College Admissions:  What Students Need to Know.
  • College Visits & Interviews:  How to manage them from Overseas.

About the Presenter

Rebecca Grappo, M.Ed.
Rebecca (Becky) Grappo, M.Ed., has assisted scores of expat and Foreign Service students with the college application process.  She helps them think through important elements such as high school preparation, college selectivity, personal fit, possible majors, and affordability. 

Becky regularly works in international schools, writes about the topic of college applications for TCKs, has visited hundreds of colleges throughout the U.S. and is often asked to advise international school guidance counselors. 

Becky developed and teaches the UC Irvine extension course for consultants on "American College Counseling for the International Student", and completed her certificate in college counseling from UCLA. She is an active participant in the Overseas Association of College Admissions Counselors (OACAC) and The Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) to keep current in developments in the college admissions world, especially as they pertain to kids overseas. 

Many families in the Foreign Service know Becky as a 26-year veteran of Foreign Service life, having raised her own three children in the FS as well as having worked on education issues in the State Department.

You can find out more about Rebecca at www.rnginternational.com

About the Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF) 

Established in 1989, the Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF) is the only nonprofit organization dedicated exclusively to the support of children of employees of the US Foreign Affairs Agencies.

We strive to help Foreign Service Youth embrace the adventure:  encouraging resilience, fostering camaraderie, and celebrating achievements.  We support Foreign Service youth, throughout their global upbringing and beyond. 

For more information go to:  www.fsyf.org

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

New Online Resources from FLO

FLO has added several new online resources for Foreign Service families:

Each month, FLO’s Education and Youth team will be highlighting and linking to timely articles and resources they’d like to share. Look for these “Learn More” items on the right side of FLO’s education webpage (http://www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo/c1958.htm). For May, you’ll find links to an article about encouraging a love of reading and links to websites with current information about activities for children returning to the Washington area.

FLO’s Crisis Management and Support team has created two useful checklists to help families with personal preparedness. You can download and print FLO’s 72 Hour Emergency Kit and Go Bag and Grab Bag from FLO’s contingency planning webpage (http://www.state.gov/m/dghr/flo/c23132.htm). Whether you are at post or transitioning to post, you can never be too prepared.

Another reason to join the Foreign Service Youth Foundation! 
The Foreign Service Youth Foundation (FSYF) is offering parents and college-bound students a one-hour webinar on the college admissions process. Top 10 Things Foreign Service Youth Need to Know about the College Admissions Process will be presented on Saturday, May 18, 2013, from 9 a.m. - 10 a.m. (EST) by international educational consultant Rebecca Grappo, M.Ed.
Topics Will Include:
 Applying from Overseas: Are you an international student?
 Your Essay: What should you write about?
 State Residency: What you need to know.
 Third Culture Kids (TCKs): What's unique about this population?
 College Selectivity: The truth behind this year's trend in college admissions
 SATs and ACTs: What role does testing really play?
 Financial Aid: How it really works.
 Real Cost of College: How to calculate.
 Social Media and College Admissions: What students need to know.
 College Visits & Interviews: How to manage them from overseas.
If you can’t attend the event, email your questions in advance to fsyf@fsyf.org. FSYF Members will be able to view the archived webinar on the FSYF website.
Cost: FSYF Members -- $10.00; Non-Members -- $20.00. To check on your membership status, contact: fsyf@fsyf.org.